I often see people struggling to bring out their abdominal muscles. I see the frustration that looms over them weeks (and even months) into their grueling workout regimen when that pesky layer of stomach fat just won’t go away. This will eventually lead to a mental and/or physical breakdown that can burn out even the most dedicated of gym-goers. Working out should be a positive experience, so I’d like to share some common mistakes that can hinder you from seeing great abs. And, more importantly, I’d like to share a couple of key factors that are necessary to achieving lean and ripped abs.
The biggest mistake I commonly see is when people do thousands of crunches
everyday. The common perception being that more crunches will bring out
the abs. Wrong! Crunches can be a great exercise for upper abs but they have
nothing to do with losing the layer of stomach fat over the abs! As long as
there is a layer of belly fat over your abdominal muscles you will never see
the stomach results you desire.
Another major mistake I often see is eating poorly. Unfortunately, having
a poor diet will cancel out those amazing rounds of cardio you’ve been
completing. You may be burning up to 600 calories per workout, but the
burgers, pizzas, and other fatty foods are adding them back on. Wake up!! If
your goal is to see your abdominal muscles, then you’re defeating the entire
purpose of cardio by eating unhealthy. In order to get lean and ripped abs, you
must always keep two simple fundamentals in mind: cardio supplemented with a
proper diet.
Bringing out your abs is not rocket
science, nor should it be. It really just comes down to cardio and
dieting (I can’t stress this enough). Let’s talk dieting. Simply
speaking, energy consumption tends to follow this basic principal: fat loss
(great abs) result when the body burns more calories than it takes in.For example, let’s say you’re
on an 1800-calorie diet. This means that you have to burn off more than
1800 calories a day in order to net any fat loss! You can imagine how difficult
this would be if burgers and pizza make their way into your regular diet.
The trick is to find healthy and flavorful foods with low fat and caloric stats
and incorporate these foods into your diet. This will require some
research on your part; and require you to read labels for fat and calorie
content. But after a while, this aspect of diet preparation will become
second nature.
Once you have your diet calibrated, you need to focus on cardio and lots of it. Every step of cardio will bring you one step closer to bringing out your abs. It takes burning 3,500 calories just to lose 1 pound of fat. So the next time you grind out an hour of cardio and decide to eat an 800-calorie fatty burger along with an order of French fries (which can add on another 800 calories), you’re only setting yourself back. And, if you opt for the cola, well, then I’m sure you get the picture.
So what are the two most important tools to achieving great abs? Hopefully, you answered a proper diet and lots of cardio. Mastering your diet will help you stay motivated even if you don’t get the results you’re looking for at first. Everyone’s’ bodies are different, so we all go through trials and errors during our journeys. You have to stick with it and never give up!
The easiest thing to do is give up. If bringing out your abs was easy, then everyone would have great abs. It requires a lifestyle change, focusing on healthy food options and proper exercise regimens. Step back and reorganize your strategy and soon enough you will get the results you’re looking for along with a new found confidence that is priceless.
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